I want to write more.
Setting aside time to write is hard, though. I think I still haven’t adjusted to having kids after eight years. Making time to write requires sacrificing precious time with my kids, and that feels scary. Regardless, I think a little sacrifice might be in my best interest, so here goes.
I learned a lot about myself this year. I grasped that being truly present takes effort, but it can be transformational. I accepted that I am a deeply emotional being after decades of convincing myself otherwise. I discovered that until this year, the only emotion I truly embraced was anger. Finally, I realized that some of my strengths—the parts of my identity that I was most proud of—were keeping me from what I wanted most. After thirty-four years, I thought I had myself mostly figured out, but this year set me straight.
I’ve spent countless years pursuing mastery. It took me all those years to realize that what I really want is mastery of my own experience. Having discovered this, I’m genuinely excited for what’s to come. Next year, I plan to continue my journey to become the best version of myself I can be. Hopefully I’ll set aside time to tell you about it along the way.

Yesterday, I spent the day in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest learning about fungi.
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Today I found myself needing to use the comm utility to compare two 20GB files. This ended up taking about 10 minutes and while it was running I got curious at how much time was left. Knowing that comm must read through both files before it finishes, I decided to see if I could build a simple progress indicator based on the read offset of one of it’s file descriptors.
Bash is a wonderful and terrible language. It can provide extremely elegant solutions to common text processing and system management tasks, but it can also drag you into the depths of convoluted workarounds to accomplish menial jobs.
I recently got interested in supporting Heroku style push deployments in the AWS stack at Fullscreen, Inc. There are a few solutions for this in the wild like Dokku, but I wanted to use something flexible enough to grow with our deployment infrastructure that wasn’t dependent on container technology. The solution I came up with involves a deploy server, a Git hook and a bit of Bash.
The internet is rife with promises of 100% availability when using HAProxy for load balancing. THEY ARE LIES!
The git commit log is one of the best tools for understanding the history and direction of a project. I’ve found there are a ton of situations where the log can make complex interactions with a repo a breeze.